Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Madalina Ghenea-Vogue Stars

“The eastern light”. This is how the monthly magazine GQ described the lady gracing the cover of the first issue of the year. She has the Mediterranean appeal of Sofia Loren. The magnetic gaze of Angelina Jolie. The sinuous curves evocking those of Anna Magnani. The 23-year old Romanian model and actress Madalina Ghenea is all this and much more. We met her in New York where she opened up to us.
At 14, with only the passport and a map in her pocket, she jumped on the first train out of Slatina (the home town of playwright Eugène Ionesco) heading towards Milan. Since then she has come a long way.
Being exceptionally humble and sweet as well as being proficient in four languages, Madalina took the first steps of her future career in Italy walking for Gattinoni.

"That was my first runway show in Rome. At the time I was much thinner than I am today". Then came lingerie modelling, catalogues, advertising campaigns and a countless number of catwalk shows. Up to the work on television when on the stage of “Ballando con le Stelle” (Italian version of “Strictly Come Dancing”) she displayed great dancing skills developed during seven years of ballet training.
But it’s thanks to a commercial that in 2010 she earned her “big break”. “Thanks to Alberto Vergani I featured in the campaign for the mobile phone company 3 next to Raoul Bova and Teresa Mannino.
After that my life changed completely". It didn’t take long to make the move from TV to the silver screen. In the United States, she worked with the director of “Crash” Paul Haggis. While in Italy she played Irina in the movie by Enrico Lando “I soliti idioti” (The usual idiots). "But this is only the beginning”, promises Madalina. And reveals: “I’m already working on a project that means a lot to me. I will play a role in the drama “Roman e il suo cucciolo” (Italian rendition of “Cuba and his teddy bear”), the directorial debut of Alessandro Gassman whom I think he’s the most intense and talented actor in Italy”.
Cinema is for Madalina a true love: "High heels, make-up and hair styling sessions are not my cup of tea. I always dreamt of becoming an actress. My icons since I was a child were Anna Magnani and Sofia Loren".

Although she is blessed with abundant charm, the Romanian actress admits: "I never considered myself beautiful. I have many imperfections. I’m simply good at disguising them". She doesn’t have any specific beauty tricks. "I prefer a fresh and natural look. I think that in order to look and feel beautiful, it’s important to eat healthily, drink plenty of water and keep the face and body always moisturized. Then if you are in love, you truly beam!” She loves fashion: "I grew up reading Vogue as if it was my Bible”.

"I’m aware that for an actress her look plays an important role and shouldn’t be overlooked". However, she is not obsessed with her appearance. And, rather than simply following fashion trends, she interprets them: “I love feeling comfortable and sexy. I like wearing Dolce & Gabbana and Fendi. But I also enjoy wandering about second-hand markets looking for vintage pieces."

"I don’t think I have a particular style. I play with clothes and accessories according to my mood and to what I feel inspired by on the day." The ideal outfit for the Red Carpet? “A lovely gown by Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi or Blumarine…it depends on how I feel. I always choose my outfit at the very last moment. Once I get to the lift, I may always decide to go back leave the sequin dress I’m wearing behind and replace it with a plain black dress which, if backless, it’s always a winner! This is truly what happened at the Capri Film Festival: I was going to present an award to Hazanavicius and I was truly excited. Unsure about what would be the best choice; I opted for a black failsafe Fendi gown, a passe-partout for any occasions."
The ultimate in chic and elegance? Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent for the quality and designs. At the end of the day, what matters the most is feeling good in your own skin."

Feeling good about herself and making others feel good too is very important to her. That’s why Madalina takes part in humanitarian assistance activities. I feel very close to the people of Haiti, the island devastated by the earthquake". The most emotional moment? "Undoubtedly when I visited Port-au-Prince and took part in rescuing a child. The smile of that child was the best gift".

Direct by Tommaso Cardile

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